WYD: Widen Your Data

WYD Intelligent Annotation Platform

WYD(Widen Your Data) Intelligent Annotation Platform is a general-purpose intelligent annotation platform developed by the Digital Humanities Research Center of Peking University. This platform supports intelligent structuring, entity annotation, relationship annotation, and automatic generation of knowledge graphs for free text, and exports various commonly used data formats such as Brat, Doccano, Gephi, Echarts, and BIOES. The platform integrates various deep learning AI models and achieves efficient human-machine collaboration through sophisticated interactive design. Currently, WYD has implemented entity recognition, relationship extraction, and graph generation on Classical Chinese texts, and entity recognition on Modern Chinese and English texts. In the future, it will support processing more languages.


WYD utilizes advanced AI technology to provide users with intelligent text annotation services. The AI model trained on a large-scale corpus of Chinese ancient books can automatically recognize, classify, and annotate entities and relationships in the texts. The AI-driven model also offers advanced features such as sentence reading and word segmentation to help users understand and analyze ancient texts.

The AI model of WYD will continuously learn and evolve to provide users with continuously improving accurate intelligent services.

WYD is a cloud platform. On the front end, it provides users with convenience to access anytime, anywhere, without the need for downloads, and cross-platform usage. Through cloud technology, users can easily save, share, and collaborate on annotated data without worrying about data loss or tampering, ensuring the security and stability of the data.

On the back end, cloud technology provides the platform with powerful computing capabilities, ensuring fast response and efficient operation of AI models.



Entity annotation

Support interactive annotation, regular expression matching, and AI recognition three entity annotation modes, quickly and accurately annotate entities in Chinses ancient texts. No need for complicated operations, easily handle large-scale texts.


Relationship annotation

Concise and intuitive manual annotation operation for relationship triplets, as well as AI automatic relationship annotation capable of automatically identifying over 30 semantic relationships. Currently, annotation is only available for historical Chinese classical text datasets.


Graph Generation

Automatically convert annotated entities and relationships into a knowledge graph, elegant and convenient. One-click output, supporting multiple commonly used tool formats, including: EXCEL, GEPHI, ArcGIS, etc.